
Take care of your whole family


Transalp is a registered Swiss financial intermediary licenced to provide wealth
management services.
Integrity, Trust , Excellence and Stability make the four pillars of our culture of service, applied every day in building solid relations with our Partners and Clients.
For us wealth management is a personal service built from strong relationship values.
Our vision aims for wealth preservation from a multigenerational perspective preserving family wealth across generations.

" Our greatest role in relationships is to be a light, not a judge "

Stephen Covey

Trusted Partners

Transalp partners have a solid academic and professional background with more than 20 years of experience in the banking sector and finance.
Our approach of service is integrated and so we have built strong partnerships to ensure we meet our Clients requests.
Standing by for our core values and to offer our Clients the most safe environment we only work with careffuly selected Partners and Custodian Banks that consistently present high rating standards and are based in most safe and stable reference countries.

WE Take care of your family

Over 10 years building trustworthy relationships

The family is the key element of a life. Your heritage, both spiritual and patrimonial, is a gift received by your parents and offered to your children.

At Transalp, we take care of all heritage aspects.